Did you know that lithium batteries are used in a number of common applications across the globe today? If you own a smartphone or tablet then you use technology that makes use of the lifespan of lithium ion battery. A big concern that many people have when considering purchasing lithium batteries is how long do lithium ion batteries last.
This is a valid concern, as lithium batteries are among the most expensive battery options available on the market today. It is important to know the lithium ion battery lifespan when making a big investment. It is also important to know what you can do in order to extend that lifespan.
The good news is that you’re in the perfect place to learn all about the lifespan of a lithium ion battery and how to get the most out of it. Keep reading this article to learn more information.
What Is the Lifespan of Lithium Ion Battery?
Technology continues to advance at an incredible rate, and one sector of technology that is affected by those technology changes is the battery sector. Lithium batteries are the most advanced type of batteries available and with good reason. They recharge faster than your other options and they hold a charge much better.
Think about the different products and gadgets that you use throughout your day and odds are that you’re using at least one thing that gets its power from a lithium ion battery. It is no surprise that you’re concerned about the lifespan of lithium ion batteries as they often come with a hefty price tag.
The average lithium battery will provide you with somewhere between three hundred and five hundred charge and discharge cycles. This means that if you run your battery down and then recharge it to 100 percent capacity then you’ll get about a year of solid use out of that lithium battery.
One thing to keep in mind when you’re looking at lithium batteries is that the manufacturers use charge cycles to measure lifespan rather than years. The charge cycles are a better indicator of use as these batteries will last a really long time if you’re not actively using them every day.
Some people will purchase the lithium battery and not use it for months before finally running it. Others will use it frequently and then let it sit for months at a time before needing it again. This is common with people that use their 300Ah battery in an RV or camper van.
This means that the charge cycles are the best way to measure the life of the battery.
What Is a Charge Cycle?
There are a number of things that qualify as a charge cycle when it comes to lithium batteries. A lot depends on the use or application of the battery. If the lithium battery is in a smartphone or tablet then it is likely that the battery will get charged every night to ensure that it is ready for the next day.
There are other devices or batteries that don’t get recharged until they’re almost dead and out of power. Other people will start charging their lithium batteries once they reach the halfway point of battery capacity.
A good rule of thumb when referencing a charge cycle for your lithium battery is to look at every time that you connect that battery or device to a charging device. Some people believe that you should go longer periods of time between charging your lithium batteries as a way to prolong the lifespan of lithium ion batteries.
Ironically, that isn’t the case, and doing that will actually shorten the life of your lithium batteries.
How To Increase the Lifespan of Lithium Ion Batteries
There are a great number of things that you can do if you’re looking at how long do lithium batteries last. Doing these things will allow you to go a much greater period of time before you invest money into getting a replacement battery. Here is a closer look at some things you can do to make your lithium batteries last longer.
Avoid Full Discharges
A big thing to avoid if you want to make sure that you get the most out of your lithium batteries is full discharges. Full discharges occur when you use all of the energy that is stored in the battery and doing this is a sure way to cause lasting damage to your lithium batteries.
A good strategy for improving the lithium ion battery lifespan is to make sure that your battery always has some energy in it. Lithium batteries respond quite well to a partial discharge and recharge.
Keep the Battery Cool
Another effective way of improving the lifespan of a lithium ion battery is by keeping the product that you’re using in cooler temperatures. There is a reason why your smartphone will shut down if it is left in direct sunlight and starts to overheat. It does that to protect the internal components and the lithium battery inside of the phone.
Do your best to keep your smartphone stored in cool and dry areas if you want to get the most life out of your lithium batteries.
Don’t Be Afraid to Use Your Charger
It is important to remember that your charger is not your enemy. If anything, using your charger to handle partial charges and discharges is the most effective way of making your battery last. Keeping your phone or tablet sitting on the charger for prolonged periods of time will not take away from the lifespan of your lithium ion battery.
Now You Know the Lifespan of Lithium Ion Batteries
It is difficult to quantify the lifespan of lithium ion battery since the manufacturers reference charge and discharge cycles for these batteries. A good rule of thumb is that your lithium battery will last an average of 400 discharge and charge cycles before it starts to go bad. Make sure that you avoid hot temperatures and full discharges if you want to improve the lifespan of a lithium ion battery.
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