
Five Facts that make you include medik8 retinol in your skincare routine.


Retinol, a simple but very powerful vitamin A derivative, has created a stir in the skincare industry and stood ahead among all the other myriad serums available in the market. Why does it score well? The science behind the element makes it the magic potion. Retinoids are often confused with Retinols; they are not the same. Retinoids are more potent in treating skin ailments as they are a more substantial version. Retinols are primarily used to treat anti-aging and acne problems. This article helps you better understand this skincare ingredient, retinol, and its pivotal role in skincare treatments.

What is it?

If you are coming across this ingredient for the first time, you would be amazed to know that it has been used across the world for decades. Dermatologists claim that retinol set a gold-standard and a go-to skincare solution. Medik 8 offers a wide range of skincare products, among which Medik 8 Retinols is one of the top-selling brands that has helped millions of customers across the world.

Retinols is a vitamin A derivative that does not rip off the dead skin cells as most other anti-aging creams do. It penetrates deep into the epidermis layer to neutralize the free radicals. This action done in the middle layer helps in the production of the Elastin and collagen- fibers that add elasticity and tightness to the skin. This action makes the skin plumper and thereby reduces the fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores.

Facts that might grab your attention:

  1. The tiny molecules of the retinol and the slice of science action behind its function make it more effortless. That is the reason why most dermatologists suggest without thinking twice. The tiny molecules make it easier for the serum to get deep beyond the epidermis layer. This changes the way the speed at which the skin cell turn over. Retinols boost the skin to divide rapidly than they usually do, and thus the pores stay clean.
  2. Retinoids and retinol are approved by Food and Drug Administration(FDA). As our skin produces fine lines and wrinkles over the sun exposure, Retinols help cell proliferation (which is a process of division of cells to make two daughter cells) at the epidermis layer.
  3. Retinol is gentler than retinoic acid. However, they both do the same thing. Retinoic acid might take a longer time to show up results. If you have already used products with retinoic acid in them, it’s high time that you change to Medik8 Retinol. You might be interested to shop with the experts in skin care for your medik8 retinol at The Skin Care Clinic.
  4. There is a misconception that retinol makes your skin thinner. The peeling and the redness might make us think that way, but in reality, it makes the skin thicker and healthier from within.
  5. Clinical studies have proven that Medik 8 retinol will significantly improve the skin texture and overall health of the skin for over a year. They come with different concentrations to choose from. People with sensitive skin can go for milder versions and go up for higher concentrations gradually.

Take away: If you are afraid or have sensitive skin, consult a dermatologist and go for retinol with lesser concentration. Suppose your skin reacts differently on an application or shows up irritation. In that case, you can reduce the number of applications of retinol by applying it every other day and helping your skin get used to it. This may help you to deal with skin irritation. Redness, puffiness, or skin irritations are temporary side effects that go by within weeks. Nothing is impressive than this one-stop solution to treat your skin ailments.