
Used vs. New Car: Which Is Better For Me?

Are you trying to decide whether to buy a used or new vehicle? There are more than 17 million new vehicles sold in the United States each year. While driving a new vehicle can feel rewarding at first, there is also a compelling case for buying a used one instead.

Knowing your options and the pros and cons of your particular situation is an important part of the buying experience. Read on to learn about whether a used or new vehicle is the best one for you!

Know Your Budget

Before you begin shopping for your next, car, truck, or sports utility vehicle, you need to have a realistic budget in mind. When you buy a new vehicle, you can expect an average depreciation of more than 20 percent during the first year you own it. 

Instead of buying a brand new version of the vehicle you want, consider looking at used models. This can help you stay within your budget while getting more bang for your buck!

Cutting-Edge Features

If you want to purchase a vehicle with only cutting-edge features and the latest technology, you are probably going to want to go with new ones. In today’s digital age, technology in vehicles is developing at a rapid pace.

You may find that the vehicle you bought only a few years ago is outdated. When you buy a used vehicle, you should look for one with low mileage and that was built in the last few years.

That’s because you have a better chance of buying a used car that has good technology relative to the competition.  


Vehicles are a big purchase, whether you choose to buy new or used. One of the important things to consider as you budget for future costs is whether there is a warranty remaining on the vehicle.

A warranty often covers the powertrain and bumper-to-bumper for more minor parts. Not all warranties are the same and if your vehicle comes with one, be sure you understand what it covers and doesn’t.

You should also keep in mind that if you are buying a used car, you will need to see if a warranty is still on the vehicle at all. It’s possible that the warranty has expired or is non-transferable.

This means that the warranty is only applicable if the vehicle is owned by the person that had it when the warranty started. 

Buying a Used vs. New Vehicle

You should perform a lot of research online before you begin shopping for a used or new vehicle. Since buying a vehicle is such a big decision, consider speaking with trusted friends or family members about their experience vehicle shopping.

This can give you valuable insight into what the market is like and where to find a good price at a reputable dealer. Are you looking for more information about the automotive and technology sectors? 

Check out our blog section for other helpful posts that show you how technology is impacting the automotive industry at a rapid rate!

Hemant Kumar
Hemant Kumar is a project manager at Tridindia with more than nine years of commendable experience in writing about LMS, translation, and IT. His unmatched talent and passion for digital marketing gave him the opportunity to work as a multi-tasking project manager at TridIndia’s sister company, Link Building Corp. Today, he contributes to the world by imparting knowledge on SEO, link building and internet marketing etc., that helps business owners grow their online business.