
How To Help A Child Deal With The Loss Of A Mother

Maternal bond is said to be first formed inside the womb during pregnancy. With a relationship as deep and profound as this one, it’s no wonder why there’s a certain kind of devastation and emptiness that comes with the death of a mother. While acts of sympathy like offering memorial gifts for loss of mother can help, there’s a special way of helping a child deal with this kind of loss.

Provide adequate information and be careful with your words. Taking into account your child’s age, be honest and mindful when it comes to relaying the sad news. Be careful about your choice of words because it can leave trauma to your kid. For instance, it can be wiser to choose the words “she died” than “she’s only sleeping” because it can make your child fear sleeping and never being able to wake up again.

Give your child a sense of continuity. Mothers play a crucial role in the household. Once she passes away, it will be a huge loss — emotionally and practically speaking. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a routine (like eating breakfast during the same time before your wife died) to give your child that much-needed sense of community.

Discuss rituals and funerals. Especially if it’s your child’s first time to experience a funeral and burial service, it’s vital to set his or her expectations. Explain that it will be attended by people who love his or her mother, and it will be marked by giving flowers, lighting candles, and other solemn activities. Memorial gifts for loss of mother can also be received during this period.

Help your child — and yourself — heal. To help your kid process his or her emotions, you can also initiate activities like drawing, letter-writing, and memorial box making. In the process, it’s also a way for you to cope with your own grief. While doing these activities, take the time to talk to and listen to your child.

Recount good memories. In relation to the bullet above, it’s important to really keep your communication line open to your beloved young one. And the themes of your conversations can revolve around the good memories you share with his or her mother. While evoking warm feelings, it’s also a great way to help keep her memories alive. Beautiful memories can also be immortalized through personalized memorial gifts for loss of mother.

Be a role model to your child. Children learn by observing the behaviors of people around them. This is why it’s part of your responsibility to be a role model to your kid. Additionally, you always have to show your affection — in different ways — to make sure your child feels loved and secure.

Observe your child’s behavior. Children have different manners to show their emotions. Others become quiet; others become aggressive. There are cases wherein your child may need to undergo counseling and therapy. Therefore, you have to be keen and observant — assess your child’s behavior and weigh in if he or she already needs professional help.