
Who Qualifies for Supplemental Security Income? Find Out If You Do


Supplementary Security Income (SSI) is a benefit program founded by Congress over four decades ago. The aim is to offer monthly financial aid to qualified citizens. It’s a benefit designed for the aged, disabled, or blind citizens across the USA.

As of 2022, millions of eligible citizens and residents receive up to $841 monthly per individual. Likewise, qualifying couples get checks of up to $1,261 from the program every month.

Ever asked yourself who qualifies for Supplemental Security Income? This article answers your question in a clear and digestible manner. Keep scrolling to understand if you are eligible for the social security benefit.

Who Qualifies for Supplemental Security Income?

Supplemental Security Income is a project of the Social Administration. It’s designed to offer federal benefits to deserving citizens. Everyone can apply for the aid, but not all will qualify to receive payments.

The qualifications for getting this benefit include:

  • Be 65 years or older
  • Be blind or disabled
  • Have limited financial resources and income
  • Be a US citizen or authorized resident.

People typically confuse SSI for other government aids like Retirement or Social Security Disability Benefits. But these aids work independently.

You can qualify for additional federal assistance alongside SSI in some states.

Income Recommendations to Qualify for SSI

The SSI has a broad list of incomes, earnings, and non-cash benefits considered countable when calculating monthly disbursements or determining eligibility. The security benefits you’re receiving also count.

The assets you own, including bonds, stocks, money in the bank, or property with cash value, too, determine your eligibility. However, they don’t include your household goods, residential home, or vehicle you use for transportation.

In totality, the qualified countable assets should be $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for married couples.

The program uses complex rules and calculations to qualify or disqualify beneficiaries. For an ultimate determinant of who is eligible for SSI, you may want to try the Social Security’s Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool.

Where Do You Live in the US?

Where you live in the USA also determines if you’ll qualify for the SSI benefits or not. For instance, the aid isn’t available for Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands’ residents.

Further, you may qualify for the revenues if you live in Northern Mariana or Mississippi, but the regions don’t offer supplemental payments.

The size of your household also plays a role in the amount you can receive. For example, hosting beneficiaries of other federal assistance may interfere with the overall amount of SSI aid you receive.

Qualifying for SSI as a Person With Disability

The complex application process makes SSI eligibility challenging to most people with disabilities. The rigorous paperwork, proof documents, and the entire presentation can be an absolute nightmare. Unfortunately, not getting the process right calls for a denial.

That’s why it’s imperative to involve a qualified Social Security Disability and SSI lawyer to guide you through the process. Research to find out more info about the roles of these lawyers and how they can help you cruise through the eligibility fog successfully.

Supplemental Security Income: Is It Worth the Trouble?

This article has responded to your question of who qualifies for Supplemental Security Income. Are you now wondering whether you should apply for SSI? Well, this assistance may be everything you need to ease your financial burdens.

Several beneficiaries solely depend on the monthly SSI aids for their livelihood. Keep checking this website for more tips and guides on finance, business, and law.