

Memory power is the ability to retain the memory of things learned, seen, heard or witnessed for a longer period. Having good memory power is an important factor to succeed in a complicated subject like mathematics. Class 7 maths precisely consists of 15 chapters and for students to prepare all these 15 chapters they should have good memory power. This article mainly deals with ways to boost a student’s memory power for them to ace up class 7 maths. Some of the necessities students should fulfil in this chapter is to go through their class 7 NCERT maths book and get well versed with RS Aggarwal Solutions Class 7 in PDF as they prove to be the key to success. 



  1. Our brains have both short term and long-term recall. Hence, it is recommended that students overread certain numericals like tables, math rules, etc for them to keep it in their memory for a longer period.
  2. Have the practice of doing simple math calculations daily. Students are advised to allocate a certain amount of time daily to work out simple calculations to make sure they have the concepts at their fingertips. 
  3. Regular practice of maths is also said to strengthen the neuron bonding in the brain which enables the students to have good memory strength.
  4. It is recommended students always have the habit of doing mental maths i.e., solving basic math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in their mind without the use of pen and paper. 
  5. One of the major mistakes that a student commits is not learning the formulae and simply mugging it up, this results in the student not understanding where to use the formula and how to use it. So, students eventually end up using a random formula, plug in the values and end up with wrong results. Hence, it is recommended that they understand the concepts behind formulas better. 
  6. Class 7 is a place where students are fed with a lot of basic formulas which they end up using even for their graduate studies Not laying up a proper foundation will affect the building’s strength, likewise, all students during class 7 academic year-end up learning many basic formulas, rules and symbols and learning them properly will strengthen your overall maths knowledge till the end.
  7. Students can make charts of formulas from each chapter and hang them in their house as this enables them to see the formulas more often and eventually increase their memory power through visual learning.
  8. Consistency is a key factor in maintaining your super memory power. Students should consistently feed their brains with the necessary stuff for their brains to retain them in their memory for a good number of years. 
  9. For your brain to retain the math learned for a longer period, follow the method of ‘learning the procedure’ instead of ‘learning the sum’. The former involves understanding what is given, what is asked, what should I use and the procedure to solve the sum, while the latter just helps you know the sum and its solution for the time being. 
  10. Quiz yourselves regularly on the various concepts you study to have a check on your memory power. 


  1. Chapter-1,9 on the whole deals with types of integers and basic operations of mathematics. The concepts from this chapter form the core of maths and students are requested to understand and memorise the concepts. Make sure you know your tables well. Practice what you learn by working out the 4 exercises in this chapter to have a better memory of what you learnt.
  2. Chapter-2: This chapter deals with the same operations of meths from the previous chapter but in an advanced way, as they deal with the operations using fractions. Before you practice, know what fraction means and the difference between a fraction and a whole number, as this will enhance your preparation and boost your memory. This chapter also includes decimals, so learn conversion of decimal to fraction and vice versa to do your exercises better.
  3. Chapter-3: All the chapters dealt with various operations, and by doing them we will all arrive at specific answers and all this data has to be handled. This chapter deals with methods of data handling. Students get to learn graphs, bar diagrams, tally, etc. More than memory power, students need analytical skills to solve this chapter. 
  4. Chapter-4,12,13: As far as equations are concerned, analyse the equation and identify the terms in it. So far operations using integers were considered, for algebra, operations using algebraic expressions will be learnt. As students are already enhanced in their integers and their operations, nothing from that part is going to change, it is only that they have to perform the same methods for equations and expressions instead. Knowing the type of equation and what the equation and the terms in the equation mean to ease the duty of memorising it. For the exponent chapter, the students are advised to memorize the laws of exponents alone as this will enable them to solve any given question. 

Chapter- 5-8,10,11,14,15:  All these chapters can be divided into two, shapes and geometry. As far as shapes are concerned, learn the different kinds of shapes provided as knowing this will enable you to easily solve questions from the symmetric chapter. To learn lines and angles, follow the clock method, i.e., learn all the angles given and try to recollect them whenever you see time in a clock or watch, as time goes all angles will be on your fingertips. Once you are thorough with the angles, you can go for triangles. Visualize the questions regarding triangles, to solve them easily. To memorise practical geometry easily keep practising them time and again. Write down daily, the formulas for all the shapes and by the end of the month, you would have easily memorised. Instead of tiring on a single day, take small steps daily. Beware to write your formulas with their unit.