Before entering the subject, it is convenient to define what a perishable product is since, in its own definition, we find the reasons why the storage of perishable products has its own particularities.
Storage Of Perishable Products
A perishable product is one that due to its composition, physical-chemical and biological characteristics, can undergo an alteration of different nature in a determined time and, therefore, requires special conditions of the process, conservation, storage, transportation, and sale. We are talking about dairy products, meats, poultry, fish, sausages, fruits and vegetables, and some prepared foods. Fresh flowers also fall into this category.
In the particular case of perishable food, proper storage is essential to reduce the chances of contamination and growth of microorganisms that may alter the product and, therefore, the safety of the final consumer.
Characteristics Of Perishable Foods
Foods are basically composed of different proportions of water, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. When food is in contact with the atmosphere can appear chemical-based problems such as Maillard reactions, oxidation reactions, enzymatic reactions, physical basis (crystallization, absorption or desorption of water) or biological, causing a degradation of the properties organoleptic and commercial aspects of the food until its total deterioration.
Proper packaging helps reduce these problems, but cannot altogether avoid them. This makes it necessary to set an expiration date for each product that will depend on the nature of the product as well as the packaging conditions and the storage conditions.
Aspects To Consider In The Storage Of Perishable Products
The storage places for perishable products must ensure specific conditions. Strict hygienic and sanitary control. This control is essential to do it not only for the stored goods but also with the material and equipment of the warehouse (pallets, packaging materials) and with personnel who carry out their work. Visit the site for more information.
A rigorous management FEFO (First Expires, First Out) so that the products are distributed according to their expiration as well as encoding that ensures the traceability of the product.
The establishment of a waste stream for its correct elimination.
How Can A Warehouse Meet The Requirements For The Proper Conservation Of Perishable Products?
By fulfilling the following points:
- To guarantee strict hygiene and sanitary control, both the pavements and the coatings of the side walls must be chosen to facilitate cleaning.
- A rigorous access control system.
- A controlled atmosphere, especially in humidity and temperature. The same conditions are not required for all products. For example, fruits and vegetables will need a cold store and a certain degree of humidity. However, some flowers require the same level of moisture but a temperature plus quality. There are also a large number of perishable products that can only be adequately preserved in a dry and warm atmosphere.
- Storage units under special conditions of access, atmosphere, etc.
- Waiting areas for products that must be eliminated.