
GATE 2020 Preparation: Know important books and topics

Best books for GATE preparation include books from SS Rattan, RS Khurmi, Cormen, Galvin and Hamacher. It is crucial for the aspirants to make a choice of the right set of GATE books for their preparation. Best books are those which cover the entire GATE syllabus. Reading further, you will get a paper wise list of best books for GATE 2020. As an add-on, we have also provided information on past years’ GATE question papers which are also a good source of GATE preparation.

Before moving on to the list of best GATE books 2020, let us first understand the syllabus for GATE exam. GATE syllabus has been released by IIT Delhi (the exam conducting authority) for all the 25 papers including Biomedical engineering as the new entrant. It is crucial for candidates to study the entire GATE syllabus. Once the exam syllabus is done, candidates can move towards practicing mock tests and previous year papers.

GATE 2020 will be conducted by IIT Delhi on February 1, 2, 8, & 9. The exam will be held for admission to the MTech, MArch, MSc and PhD programmes offered at IITs, NITs, IIITs and CFTIs.

Best Books for GATE 2020 exam

Take a look at some of the best books for GATE preparation. We have enlisted the GTAE books for some of the popular engineering branches including mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electronics and communication engineering, information technology, computer science engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering and biomedical engineering (new entrant for GATE 2020).

GATE Books 2020 for computer science (SC)

Books Author
Architecture Hamacher
Operating System Galvin
Algorithm Cormen
TOC- Theory of Computation Ullman


GATE Books 2020 for agriculture engineering (AG)

Books Author
Soil & Water Conservation VVN Murty
Concept of Agricultural Engineering Mohanty Das
Farm Machinery by Three Authors (popularly known by this name)


GATE Books 2020 for electrical engineering (EE)

Books Author
Power Electronics- P S Bhimbhra
Electrical machines Nagrath, Kothari
Fundamentals of circuits Alexander, Sadiku


GATE Books 2020 for chemical engineering (CH)

Books Author
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering Mc Cabe -FPM and MO
Heat Transfer JP Holman
Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes BK Dutta
Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering Fogler
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics JM Smith
Chemical Engineering For Gate Principles Solved Problems & Objective Type Questions Ram Prasad
An Insight into Chemical Engineering M.Subbu


GATE Books 2020 for mechanical engineering (ME)

Books Author
Thermodynamics P.K.Nag
Theory of Machine (TOM) S.S. Ratan
Production Engineering Swadesh Singh
Fluid Mechanics R.K. Bansal, Frank M.White
Heat Transfer Cengel


GATE Books 2020 for civil engineering (CE)

Books Author
RCC Pillai and Menon
Soil mechanics and foundation engineering Gopal and Ranjan
Fluid mechanics R K Bansal
Open channel flow and engineering hydrology K Subramanya
Highway engineering Khanna and Justo
Environment 1 and 2 S K Garg
Steel Bhavikati


GATE Books 2020 for production and industrial engineering (PI)

Books Author
Production S K Mondal Notes

Swadesh Sing

Heat Transfer Made Easy Class Notes
Thermodynamics P.K Nag
Material Science Made Easy Class Notes & Swadesh Singh
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Modi & Seth
Machine Design VB Bhandari
Theory of Machine SS Ratan
Refrigeration Made Easy Class Notes
Strength of Material Sadhu Singh
IC engine Mathur Sharma


GATE Books 2020 for electronics and communication engineering (ECE)

Books Author
Electronic Devices Circuits Boylested and Neshelsky
Microelectronic Circuits Sedra and Smith
Solutions of Network Analysis GK Publications
Graph Theory Narsing Deo (Cutset and Others)
Network Analysis Van Valken Burg
Network Analysis Soni and Gupta
Electric Circuits Schaum’s Series
Circuit Theory Chakravarthy
Engg. Circuit Analysis Hayt and Kemmerly
Network Theory Prof Yoganarasimhan


GATE Books 2020 for other GATE papers

Papers GATE Books
Geology and Geophysics Complete Master Guide GATE – Amresh Singh
Bio Technology Lehning M Prescott, Eldon John, Lehninger
Instrumentation & Control Natesan, Mukherjee & Chakrawarthy
Information Technology GATE 2020 Last Year Papers
Architecture The Road Ahead, GATE Architecture
Marine Engineering RK Rajput, RK Bansal,
Paint Technology PK Nag
Chemical Engineering Cengel & Boles
Oil Engineering RK Bansal, RK Rajput


Previous year GATE question papers

Practicing from mock test and GATE question papers is one of the best ways to strengthen your exam preparation. This will help a candidates to get the real time exam day feel and prepare them to take the same amount of pressure as on the day of exam.

Previous year GATE question papers are easily available online for your exam prep. A number of publishers have also compiled GATE question papers in a form of book.