
Exposing the Big Misconceptions about Self-care

Self-care is a buzzword that has been in the wellness field for some years now. The pandemic made more people pay attention to this term. When stress levels rose, self-care seemed to be the perfect answer to stay sane.

But, most people do not get the concept of self-care right. Unfortunately, this essential practice is still covered with many misconceptions. With these wrong notions, people get discouraged from trying it. For some, they engage in it only in a superficial way. Thus, it is essential to expose myths that surround self-care. Here are the most common ones.

Myth # 1: Self-care is Exclusive for Women

Self-care is gender-neutral. This wellness practice is not all about women soaking in the tub or having their nails done. Both men and women can and must practice self-care. Nobody should scoff at any man who wishes to avail of skincare treatments. It is their right to ensure that their skin receives the best care.

People must not diminish the masculinity of any man because they want to take care of themselves. In reality, these kinds of men are admirable. They recognize that for them to function well, they must first take care of their inner being.

Myth # 2: You Only Need Self-care When You are Burned Out

Most people relate self-care practices to helping a person get back on track. They think that self-care is a cure for a person who experiences negative emotions. Some examples are stress, exhaustion, or demotivation. This is true on one level. When you learn to put yourself first after some hard work, you feel better afterward.

But, you would not reach your burn-out phase so fast if you always practice self-care. Taking care of yourself is your way of setting your boundaries to how much you can accommodate. Thus, self-care is not a cure but a preemptive measure.

Myth # 3: Self-care is Relaxing and Soothing

There are many ways to practice self-care. But, not all these activities would give you that Zen feeling. Self-care is choosing practices where your body, mind, and whole life would be in a better state. In reality, there are self-care practices that some people do not wish to indulge in. These activities involve rigid discipline.

For example, for a person to achieve total wellness, they must sometimes make hard choices. They must exercise even if they want to stay in bed. They have to practice delayed gratification for them to save for more useful things. These practices are not-so-famous examples of self-care. But, by having these choices, you practice a higher form of self-love.

Myth # 4: You Need a Great Deal of Money for Self-care

Self-care is not only about pampering, indulging, or splurging. These acts are only the tip of how you care for yourself. You only need to do these things in moderation.

Deeper and real acts of self-care are those that you can put in your everyday schedule. As such, they do not cost much, or they are even free. For example, a few minutes of meditation every morning can do so much for you to have a clear mind. Taking the time to talk to a trusted friend can rejuvenate you more than all the bath salts.

Thus, you do not have to spend money before you commit to self-care. Think of simple ways where you can pay more attention to your needs.

Myth # 5: Self-care is a Selfish Act

Some people feel guilty when they have to look after their needs. They think that it is a selfish thing to put themselves above others. This assumption is far from the truth. Taking care of yourself and putting your needs first would benefit others as well.

When you have much energy and happiness inside you, it will spill over to people around you. There is only one way to keep your energy tank full and happiness barometer high. You must learn to step back from everything when you need to. Listen well to yourself. What do you need at the moment? Do not spread yourself too thin by always putting the needs of others first. While it may feel fulfilling at first, you might resent it later on.

People should learn some basic truths about self-care:

  • This wellness practice is for all.
  • It is a regular commitment to listen to what you need.
  • Self-care does not always translate to fun and carefree activities.
  • It is not an expensive act.
  • You are doing yourself and the whole world a big favor when you practice self-care.

Learn to internalize these simple truths. Then, you would feel excited to lavish yourself with the self-love that you deserve.

Meta title: What Self-care Is Not: Myths Debunked
meta desc: Self-care is a very essential practice for wellness. As such, people must know what it is. Here are some common misconceptions about it.