
4 Techniques That Are Considered The Best To Reduce The Risk Of Malware Attacks

Most security breaches on the internet have the involvement of some kind of malware. And the modern malware types are more dangerous than the previous versions because they are difficult to identify. The best 4 ways that can actually reduce the chances of a malware attack are listed below. You must follow each one of them.

  1. Elemental Security Layers

The 3 elemental security layers that are effective against malware attacks are;

  • Strong backdoor password
  • Firewall
  • Antivirus

The backdoor password can be,

  • A strong combination of at least 12 characters including symbols, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers
  • MFA identification technique where the user needs to quality multiple security stages to get the system access

The firewall, on the other hand, comes right next to the password. It guards the virtual network against threats like spear phishing, viruses, and malware of all kinds.

Lastly, the antivirus protects a system from malicious links sent as attachments and corrupt physical devices like hard drives laced with viruses.

  1. Firebreaks

The firebreak technique focuses on dividing the company’s information and storing it in different independent networks. This is more of a preventive method that reduces the damage if the company faces a malware condition.

  1. System Cleaning

Software vulnerabilities like bugs can catch malware easily. Attackers prefer finding hidden bugs to hack a network. Therefore, follow bug cleaning techniques like the ones given below.

  • Use scanning tools that can locate and trash bugs from the network and the cloud
  • Install updates as and when they are supplied by the software manufacturers
  • Delete old apps that you no longer need

Apart from these ways, you can also hire ethical hackers contractually to find out bugs in the code of your software.

  1. Prepare The Response Team

This is the most neglected area when it comes to cybersecurity against threats like malware and phishing. When a company does not have an alert and ready response team, attackers manage to encrypt the company’s information with malware like ransomware. The damage in such cases is substantial. Thus, you should allocate enough funds for the response team to develop channels that can reduce the impact of the malware epidemic. Focusing on establishing reliable and fast communication channels with employees is one necessity.

When under a malware attack, an alert security team will be able to identify the source faster. Employees, on the other hand, will be directed to disengage from using their respective systems until the problem gets resolved almost immediately. It will reduce the risk of malware spread in other networks.